We plan and develop strategies for first ideas - lemonblood
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We plan

It takes more than an idea to make an innovation. Only once knowledge, experience and innovative methods are added does it really start to take shape.


We develop innovative strategies and help both start-ups and established companies to fully maximize their growth potential.
Innovation, speed, market relevance and customer focus are our key priorities. We are an equal partner, rather than merely “an advisor for a time”. This means that we actively involve our clients at all stages of development. The result: strategies with individual steps that our clients can easily implement for themselves and which will keep pace with dynamic markets.
With a keen focus on your target group and keeping your internal company processes in mind all along the value creation chain, we will be the steady supporting hand at your side, guiding you through the sometimes turbulent waters of digital transformation.

Product and Service Development

We help you transform ideas into tangible products or services. In joint workshops, utilizing innovative methods such as Design Thinking, we help you develop resilient concepts and prototypes. These are then rigorously tested before they finally reach the product shelves (Proof of Concept).

Business Model Development

Any real business idea has to be based on a real customer benefit. To this end, we refine ventures until we are certain they produce feasible business models that provide opportunities for further innovative growth.

Our services:


  • Corporate Strategy
  • Sales Strategy
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Communication Strategy

Product and Service Development

  • Target Group Analysis – development of a persona
  • Development of Ideas
  • Concept Development, Prototyping
  • Testing

Business Model Development